Unconditional love definition
Unconditional love definition

unconditional love definition

In unconditional love, there is no sense of: I will love you if or I will only love you when you behave differently. True happiness is our entire reason to live, and it can only be obtained as we find Real Love and share it with others. To put it simply, it’s love without conditions, limits, or barriers. It survives and even grows during hardship and struggle. It doesn’t go away when circumstances are difficult.


Radical love is not, however,a free pass. Real happiness is a profound and lasting sense of peace and fulfillment that deeply satisfies and enlarges the soul. Unconditional love doesnt mean being a doormat rather, it means loving without requiring anything in return, including a certain level of behavior or performance. Real happiness is not the feeling we get from being entertained or making people do what we want. Neither is it the temporary feeling of satisfaction we experience in the absence of immediate conflict or disaster. Nor is it the conditional approval we earn from others when we behave as they want. When I use the word happiness, I do not mean the brief and superficial pleasure that comes from money, sex, or power. They don't sigh and roll their eyes when we don’t do what they want or even when we inconvenience them. You are consumed so much by it that you fear not even the will of god will be able to thwart your passion, and you only. It was a never ending chasm that you went headfirst into and there is no escape and no bottom. Sometimes you fall into a pit at first glance, but it was no pit. With Real Love, people are not disappointed or angry when we make our foolish mistakes. Love isn’t stagnant, or rather, it doesn’t have to be. Let's find out what the Bible has to say about. God's unconditional love or agape speaks to love that is pure and has no strings attached.

unconditional love definition

The Bible speaks about: the Creator's unconditional love for humankind, the love we ought to have for each other, and our love for God. I know it feels good to think and say stuff like this, but reality is much less idealistic.It’s also Real Love when other people care about our happiness unconditionally. The word love is a central theme of the Bible and is mentioned over three hundred times in the King James version. The future is so wide open that we can't make promises about anything, especially about how are feelings are going to change. Love is a lifelong commitment, like a virus. Supposedly, love is unconditional, so it’s not a feeling. Coming and going, feelings are temporary and conditional. This term is sometimes associated with other. It's too presumptuous for someone to claim that there is no possible future condition that will make someone stop loving someone else. Definition Essay Love is a virus -Maya Angelou Happy, sad, thankful, interested, lucky, frustrated, cheerful, pleased, comfortable, confident, and infatuated are all feelings. Unconditional Love Definition: According to Wikipedia, Unconditional love is known as affection without any limitations, or love without conditions. It happens every damn day, and it happens to people just like you and me.

unconditional love definition unconditional love definition

Best friends become strangers, parents disown their children, people make vows and get divorces. Something like that ought to change how you feel, and if it doesn't, then there is something wrong with you. I think it's appropriate at this point to immediately drop all pretense of loving this person. The most prominent meaning of loving unconditionally is to care for someones well-being. We are without any limit to our thoughts and feelings in life and can create any reality we. People may have their own definitions according to their situations. This morning I was reading a post about a woman who was deeply in love with her husband, until she caught him molesting their baby. Simply stated, unconditional love is an unlimited way of being. Good for you Doc, This is just one more feel-good yet near meaningless phrase bantered around Disney movies and sitcoms for so long that people have forgotten to think about it critically. A complex yet basically unified emotion comprising tenderness, affection, and devotion to the well-being of another person or persons.In more specific terms, love involves (a) feelings of empathy, the ability to enter into the feelings and share the experiences of the loved one (b) profound concern for the welfare, happiness, and growth.

Unconditional love definition